Quotes on Meditation

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"There are no 'experienced' people on the spiritual journey - not even if they have done plenty of meditation practice for twenty, thirty or forty years. Meditation has nothing to do with experience. It is forever new and always now, as fresh as the morning dew." - Shai Tubali
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"Lend one ear to the world news but leave the other ear open - to the silence and peace within. Human history has always been turbulent and painful, its conflicts only taking different forms. Inform yourself without drowning in the drama: Though the world's circumstances keep changing, the Here and Now always and forever remain the same." ~ Shai Tubali
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"I consider Inner Fire to be the ultimate meditation; the one that includes the entire wisdom and experience that anyone should expect on their way toward complete self-realization. If you know how to practice Inner Fire, you no longer require any other meditative practice. What I wish for you is that like me, you will find in Inner Fire the basis for a sublime meditation, a meditation whose horizons only expand the more you delve into its secrets." ~ Shai Tubali
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